Thursday, March 5, 2009

Genesha at Gourmet India 810 Fourth Avenue

Seated Ganesha on a table covered with white table cloth.Picture Taken 19 February 2009

There is a close relationship between food and religion. Since the dawn of time, meal times have been a time of communion between the divine and the mundane. We thank God for the gifts of food that have been provided for us. We offer gifts of food to God. We share food with God and with each other. This altar found outside of Gourmet India is graced with the image of Ganesha, the Hindu God that removes obstacles. The information for Gourmet India is as follows.

810 Fourth Avenue,
San Diego, CA 92101

Business Hours

11:30 AM - 10:30 PM

11:30 AM - 11:00 PM

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